Moving On – True Love Poems

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True love is the kind of love that everyone wishes to have. It’s the kind of love that makes you feel complete and whole. True love is the kind of love that is selfless and unconditional.

It’s the kind of love that is always there, no matter what. True love is the kind of love that is worth fighting for. It’s the kind of love that makes you want to be a better person.

True love is the kind of love that will last forever.

I believe in true Love poems from the heart because they express what true love really feels like. They show us that true love is more than just a feeling; it’s a deep connection between two people who are meant to be together.

I believe that true love poems from the heart can express what that feels like. I think that when you’re in love, you really do feel like you’re on top of the world. And I think that’s worth believing in.

I Wrote This Poem And it is one of the poems emanating from the heart. True love poems from the heart are hard to come by these days. We live in a world full of so much hurt and pain, so when we find something that is pure and true, it is special indeed.

This poem is about my true love, the one I have been with for many years now. We have seen each other through good times and bad, and our love has only grown stronger as a result.

I hope that this poem will touch your heart in some way, as it has mine.


Moving On


Memories stepped inside me,

turning my soul its slave;

and again I know and I see

the passionate love we gave.

No other one came into view,

your voice only inside this heart.

I remember us, I remembered you,

I even remember the start.

Lingering silences grew

and the flames of our fire

wavered in the wind and flew

far from my heart’s sweet desire.

Dreams don’t always come true.

Love drifts lazily into drought.

Darkness reached out and drew

us away and into doubt.

Dancing now within my own light,

I choose the hand I might hold.

A heart lifts up and takes flight…

I can no longer live in days of old.

Forever Stay – Romantic Love Poems

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