Away – A Romantic Love Poems

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This poem means a lot to me because it captures the essence of true love. True love is not something that you can simply turn on and off.

It is a deep feeling that overcomes you and takes control. When you are in love, you would do anything for the person you love. You would go to the ends of the earth just to be with them.

This poem captures the essence of true love. I have been in love before, but this poem really speaks to me on a different level. It is about two people who are so in love with each other that they would do anything for each other.

True love is not just a feeling, it is a sacrifice. And this poem perfectly describes that. Love is something that you have to work for. It doesn’t come easy. You have to sacrifice your time, your effort and sometimes even yourself just to make sure that your loved one is happy.

This poem is a reminder that love is something worth fighting for. It is worth sacrificing everything for.

No matter what the cost, if you truly love someone, it’s worth it.




every moment is spent in dreams

that since you were in my arms

I have dwelt among the stars

shadows fly across the night

cast away by the loving sight

of you smiling in the light

on the day you went away

in my dreams, now,

to my chest, my quilt I clutch

in my sleep, I want so much

to hold you again

with no clear end

no tomorrow, no good-byes

no more lonely, aching sighs

only a hope  to find a place

where I belong

in the heart of your love song

sing until we watch the dawn

side by side in sweet dreams

because the only part of life that’s real

is the way you make me feel

The one I love - Deep Love Poems

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