First Kiss – A Romantic Love Poem

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I wrote this poem that talks about the first kiss. When I was younger, I had always thought that my first kiss would be special and magical.
The first kiss is always memorable. It was the beginning of a beautiful journey that we’re still on today. Every time I think about it, I can’t help but smile.

It was a perfect moment. We were both lost in each other. The world around us disappeared and it was just the two of us. I could feel our hearts beating as one. And in that moment, I knew that I was going to spend the rest of my life with this person.

Our journey together has been amazing so far. We’ve laughed and cried together. We’ve been through some tough times, but we’ve always come out stronger because we have each other. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us together.

Every day, I cherish our time together. I love being able to experience everything with you. From the little things like watching TV and taking walks, to the big things like getting married and having children, I’m so lucky to be able to share it all with you.

I can’t imagine my life without you by my side. You’ve brought so much joy into my life and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us together.


First Kiss


The shade of love’s

the first kiss upon my lips

 doth linger,

 tracing lines into my heart

and through my soul

with fortune’s gentle finger.

Imbuing all I am

with all love was to me,

bounding all my world

Seeing I no longer cry for distant shores

but sail contentedly

within her quiet heart

this shade of love’s first kiss

doth only stronger grow

becoming flesh within my dreams

till dawn doth make us part.

I, within this mortal shell,

can only wonder

what eternity there be, or bliss

for he who happy dwells in slumber

to clutch at the chance, to reminisce,

to live within the quiet form,

the shade of love’s first kiss.

A Dreamer’s Mind –Love Poems for Him

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