Between You and me – Deep Love Poems 💘

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“Between You and Me” is a deeply personal poem that captures the essence of a secret love between two people. It speaks of the hidden things that only they know and the importance of keeping them close to the heart. The speaker confesses to thinking about the other person day and night, even during prayer. This emphasizes the strength of their feelings, which are kept secret from the rest of the world.

The poem is a testament to the power of love and the lengths that people will go to protect it. Despite the need to keep their love a secret, the speaker is sure of their feelings and is willing to do anything to keep their beloved close. They express their desire to be with the other person forever and plead with them to never let go.

As readers, we are invited to share in the intimacy of this secret love and to appreciate the beauty and strength of true love. We are reminded that sometimes love is not meant to be shouted from the rooftops, but rather cherished in secret. We are encouraged to share this poem with our loved ones, to remind them of the importance of keeping their love close to their hearts and to appreciate the power of true love that is shared between two people.

Between You and me

Between you and me
No one knows the things we do
We keep all this hidden inside
There is nothing we should have to hide.
I think about your day and night
Even at night when I have to pray
Though no one knows my feelings for you
Deep in my heart, I know they are true
I know they are true ’cause my gut tells me so
Just promise me you will never let me go
I don’t want to be without you, not now not never
I just want us to be together forever
So just remember this little saying
Between you and me
No one knows the things we do


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