All I Ever Wanted

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This is a deep love poem about how I feel for you. The title is “I Ever Wanted.”
You and, we’re so different but it’s the subtle similarities that really get me.⁣ I used to ask myself, “who am I to you?”Nowadays, I just wonder if you dream of me. My eyes have seen the best of you, but in time I’ll be your love. Everyday that

I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately and I can’t seem to shake the feeling.

I ever wanted, to not think about you know that I could never have you.⁣⁣

But then I realized why I’m feeling this way. It’s because in every way we are just alike

The poem, “I Ever Wanted.”, conveys a deep, abiding love. It illustrates the feelings of attachment and commitment that come with being in love. The poem, “I Ever Wanted” conveys a deep, abiding love for another.

It illustrates the feelings of attachment and commitment that come with being in love.

The poem is about a deep emotional connection between two people who are bonded by true caring and trust.
As the speaker has experienced time and time again, they will struggle to eliminate doubts or negativity while attempting to create a change.

Accordingly, the speaker found that it’s important for them to focus on the positive aspects of their goal and ignore any thoughts that are not in line with the desired outcome.

All I Ever Wanted

Once I was a wild man

Whose heartfelt no love

Then I found the special one

A true gift from above

Flying was a way of life

Where fear had no place

Then I found a woman who

Took my heart to space

Like a dream in my head

I finally came to realize

This was the woman I dreamed about

She is the one I idealized

So hear me now my loving girl

You are the one I’ve flaunted

I’ve dreamed of things but not like you

You’re all I’ve ever wanted

If I Had One Wish - Romantic Love Poems

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The Love - Romantic Love Poems

February 22, 2022