Your Eyes – Poem of Deep Love

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My Poem of Deep Love, “Your Eyes,” is truly special to me. Written in an effort to capture the power of true love, it’s a beautiful romantic poem that I’m immensely proud of.

When I wrote this poem, it felt like the words were brought forth from my soul and onto the page with such emotion that it felt like a spellbinding experience.

The idea of capturing the beauty of true love was something I had longed to do for years; yet no matter how hard I tried, nothing felt right until this piece. It was during this time when writing “Your Eyes” that I truly discovered what it meant to feel inspired by someone’s beauty and adoration.

The thing that makes this true love poem even more special is how well it embodies our relationship itself; how two people can connect on such a profound level, so deeply in tune with each other’s emotions that they can complete each other like two halves of a whole.

I can relate to so much of what the poem conveys; it speaks to our shared experiences and understanding of one another.

What really makes a true love poem even more unique is its ability to encapsulate the relationship itself; how two people can connect on such a profound level without having to say a word.

To me, there’s nothing quite like having someone who truly understands you, flaws and all, while also loving you relentlessly no matter what life throws at us.

This poem wonderfully expresses those feelings.



Your Eyes


I caught you looking at me

the other day and I decided

to hold my gaze

as long as you held yours

and just when

I wasn’t sure when to look away

you gave me a smile

that lovely, gentle smile

and made me smile too

you knew what I was thinking

and I knew what you were thinking

but we both knew it was futile

because we each belong to someone else

but smile we must

because we’re so drawn to each other

and no one can stop us

I often wonder

if that was intentional

or is it something you typically do

you make my mind wander

to places, I haven’t been in the longest time

I keep wanting to hold on

to those precious moments

although they were fleeting

my mind dissects every detail

to make them last an eternity

A Dreamer’s Mind – Love Poems for Him

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