Why Me? – Romantic Poem of Love

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Expressing our feelings of love can sometimes be a complicated endeavor. There is an elegance to expressing our emotions through the written word, and there is perhaps no more romantic way to do so than with a poem of love.

Writing about one’s deepest emotions for another person can be difficult, but when done in the form of a romantic poem it becomes something special.

A romantic poem might include imagery that evokes strong feelings of passion or desire. For example, an elegiac couplet might use vivid imagery like “the stars blushing in the night sky” or “two hearts beating as one” to convey deep emotion.

Creating something that conveys your innermost thoughts and feelings can help strengthen any relationship and bring two people closer together.

When writing these poems it is important to focus on being honest and letting your true emotions come through in your prose.

Why Me?

Will you tell me?
What did you see in me?
Why do you love me?
I feel so unworthy of your love.
Why did you?
Look in my direction.
When there were countless others
Who threw themselves at you?
You’re such a lovely man
You could have had anyone
So why me?
What have I done to deserve your attention?
Did you choose me out of pity?
Have you ever regretted your choice?
How could you possibly love me?
When all I can offer is mediocrity?

First Kiss – A Romantic Love Poem

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