Sweet Love Poems

The Rose Upon My Window

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“The Rose Upon My Window.” It is a poem about the beauty and fragility of life. The rose symbolizes the changes in life and how they can come at any time.

It is about the fragility of life and how it can be taken away at any second. The poem is a reminder that we should treasure and care for the people and things in our life.

The rose symbolizes how fragile life is without anything to protect it. It also shows how powerful nature can be as it transforms an ugly, dirty rose into a beautiful one.

The Rose Upon My Window

Summer winds upon her skin,

which blow upon my face,

bring comfort from this rose of mine,

and shall remain in a quiet place.

Like red silk, soft to the touch,

the rose stands silent, gentle and caring,

even with the winters, icy breath blowing,

my rose is there to comfort me when life can be unbearing.

Steadfast, this rose, this loving flower,

with eyes that warm my soul,

to bring me company on lonely nights,

for its picture can fill this empty hole.

It stays alive in my heart,

and remains upon the window there,

for the rose has always been you, my dear,

when you smile, you laugh and show how you care.


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