Great Concern – Deepest Love Poems

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The relationship between two lovers can be a roller coaster of emotions. Doubt and anxiety often accompany the relationship, which can lead to difficult conversations. Even though these questions may cause some discomfort, they are essential for growth in the relationship.

The communication between two people must remain open in order for any love to survive, and it is important that both parties feel comfortable voicing their thoughts and feelings.

A beautiful way to express this complicated emotion is by writing a romantic love poem. Writing about one’s feelings can be freeing and give clarity to the emotions being felt at any given moment. It allows both partners an opportunity to reflect on their respective hopes and worries without having to face each other directly.

In addition, reading back a heartfelt poem or letter will allow both people involved a deeper understanding of one another’s struggles with doubt and anxiety within the relationship itself.

A romantic love poem is a beautiful way to express those feelings in words. It gives us the opportunity to share our deepest feelings with our partners, letting them know how much they mean to us no matter what difficulties may arise.

By expressing our love through poetry, we can demonstrate that despite any doubts or anxieties we feel, our bond is rooted deeply in genuine affection.


Great Concern


I guess you’ve been wondering 

what’s been on my mind.

All alone in my head, 

I have been silently… sublime. 

I’ve been weighing my emotions,

both fear, and love.

As well as unsurpassed devotions

from you, and above.

I look around at a different today.

Time, place, love.

Will this dream fade away?

I know I have caused you great concern

by pondering things…

Things I don’t know if I’ve learned.

by pondering things…

Things I don’t know if I’ve learned.

Things like trust and true love…

Do they exist only in my mind,

or are they like a flight-free dove,

held only by time?

Can I leave all comfort and familiarity behind?

Can I depend on this,

This heart of mine…

This Gift – a Romantic Love Poem

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This Gift - a Romantic Love Poem

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