Gone away – Deep Love Poems

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I wrote this Deep Love Poems and it’s titled “Gone away”
There are many other deep love poems on the blog
And if you want to know a little about me, please take a moment to read.
I hope these poems give you a deeper understanding of my heart.
The room is quiet, the house is still, Only you and I in this dark world. We are connected by something so real, so true. You have shown me a light that shines brightly.
Deep Love Poems is a site where users can find meaningful and heartfelt poems. The author writes about love, relationships, and the topics that come with them.
This site has many categories such as romance, heartbreak, family, friends, kids, and more. There are also deep love poems by other authors on the site.


Gone away


You’re not here right now,

I miss your touch,

And sweer caress.

I can hear your voice in the back of my mind,

And I can feel your breath on my neck

And your arms around me

I can smell the shampoo in your hair,

In the morning after your shower,

And that certain scent only you have.

If only I could see you now,

And kiss the softness of your lips,

Giving you the goodbye kiss that I never got to give

I miss the ways you laugh,

And smile when you’re so happy.

I miss you, so much…

What happened? - Romantic Love Poems

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True Bliss - Sweet Love Poems

April 21, 2022

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Let Me Tell You

April 22, 2022