Dreams from the Heart – Deep Love Poems

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This is a beautiful and touching poem, written with a deep sense of longing and affection. It speaks to the universal experience of having dreams, and how they can sometimes feel so real that they transport us to another world. The poem is written from the perspective of someone who has dreamt of a loved one, and who is now struggling with the reality that the dream was not real.

The writer of this poem is reaching out to the person they dreamed about, expressing their deep desire to be with them. They describe the vividness of the dream, with all its sensory details, and how it felt so real that they could almost touch their loved one.

This poem is a powerful reminder of the power of dreams and how they can shape our emotions and desires. It is a testament to the depth of love and connection that can exist between people, even when separated by distance or time.

We encourage all our readers to share this poem with their loved ones and to reflect on the power of their own dreams and the people who inhabit them. Whether you have a dream of your own or know someone who does, this poem is a beautiful way to celebrate the magic of dreaming and the power of love.

Dreams from the Heart

Dreams everyone has them
nobody knows why we do
some are sad, some are true
one I had, a dream of you
it felt so true, so real
As I lay with my eyes closed
without a care in the world
all I do is dream of you
your face, your eyes, your touch
it all feels so real,
I want to be with you
I reach out every night, to touch you
when I wake up, I say how can this be
after all, it was a dream, but
it was a dream
from the heart…..

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A Funny Thing - Romantic Love Poems

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First Feeling of Love - Deep Love Poems

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