Am Sorry – Relationship Sorry Poems

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When we are going through difficult times in our relationship, it can be hard to express our feelings. We may not know what to say, or we may be afraid to say what we are really feeling. This is where romantic love poems can come in handy.

Romantic love poems can say what we cannot say ourselves. They can help us to express our feelings and let our partner know how much we care about them.

Often, these poems are written during tough times in a relationship, and they can be a way for us to communicate our feelings when we are struggling to do so ourselves.

If you are facing difficulties in your relationship, consider reading or writing a romantic love poem. It may just be the thing that you need to help you express yourself and reconnect with your partner.

Am Sorry

Into the distant clouds,

I hear the sweet melodies

of the whistling pine

The melody is so clear,

I make out the song of a man to his loved one

The melody spoke of all times;

the sweet and the sour

The melody was so strong,

the voice seemed to be in tears

How much he loves her, 

How much he cares

The night was beautiful   

The moon is so bright and clear

Gave him a new reason to be

Now he thinks of something new

Something for their love to grow

To greater heights and still,

always consider each other as best friends

Am sorry that time is not on our side

Let not time fight us

Let’s be all we have always been

Let’s love for eternity’s sake

Were his last words as he let the night take over.

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