Alone in the Night -a Romantic Love Poem

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Writing a romantic love poem is one of the most sincere forms of expressing emotion to another. It is a way for someone to express their deepest feelings and emotions in a way that only words can convey.

Writing these types of poems also allows the author to explore different facets of love, and create something beautiful out of it.

Writing a romantic love poem was one of the most meaningful moments of my life. I had been struggling to express my feelings of deep affection for my partner, and writing this poem allowed me to fully express that sentiment in a way that felt genuine and sincere.

The poem was composed as an ode to our relationship, a tribute to all that we had experienced together and how our love had grown throughout the years.

In crafting each line, I thought carefully about how I wanted to describe my emotions and channeled them into words on the page. As each word flowed from my pen, it felt like both an act of self-reflection and celebration; reflecting upon our past experiences as well as looking forward with optimism for what was yet to come in our partnership.

One thing that I learned while writing my own romantic love poem was how powerful those few words can be when they come together in just the right order. Every word had an important meaning and purpose, which made it even more meaningful to me as the author.

Even after writing it several times and reworking some words, I could still remember why each line was included – because every single one played an important part in conveying my emotions.

Alone in the Night


She comes to me as I sleep.

She enters my thoughts and my dreams.

Who is this Woman, this Woman I see?

She stands there, looking over me.

She speaks to me,

her voice is so beautiful and sweet.

She reaches out and touches me,

with her hands….softly.

Her lips upon mine.

I move closer…

her heart next to mine.

The scent of roses is in the air.

I awaken, no one is here.

Alone again, in the dark.

A hopelessly broken heart

How I wish to be free,

with you next to me.

This moment shall last forever,

 the day we are together.

We will love, we will cherish

The feelings will never perish.

Until then she is here,

In my thoughts, in my dreams.

This Woman, this Woman I see…

Will she ever be a part of me?

All I Wish – Poetry Emotional

A Dreamer’s Mind – Love Poems for Him

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