A Long Wait – Deep Love Poems

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I wrote this poem about how love is something that we all wait for. It’s a nice sentiment that I wanted to share with you. Love is Something We Wait every day to feel something good, hope, and happiness.

But what if it’s something else? What if it’s not the happiness we were waiting for, What if we were waiting for the bitter memories to go away?What if our hearts are broken and that’s why we’re sad? You wait each day hoping, hoping that she will love you back.

But what if she never loved you like this before? What if you hope too much? What if she doesn’t love you as you want her to?What if she can’t stand that someone else has her heart, that it’s not hers and never will be? You live in a world filled with love and hate, you know that they’re two different things.

But what if this is the hate we’ve been waiting for? What if this is why you’re so sad?What if this is why you don’t feel good about yourself? What if this is what makes her not love you like she used to?

A Long Wait


All my life I had waited for love.

I had prayed to myself and the stars up above

I would have someone to hug, cuddle and hold,

To borrow a coat from when I was cold.

We’d look up at the moon and share our emotions,

Sit on wet sand in front of the ocean.

I’d hold your hand with your arm brushing mine;

I’d get lost in your eyes from the way that they shine.

Without even knowing I’d fall into a trance.

The way that you smiled would make my heart dance.

Your laugh was assuring, blissful, and kind.

Every second with you would stay in my mind.

One day the heart will stop beating,

then it will rest with no worries.

But if someone cares enough

the heart will live forever and ever…

I LOVE YOU – Romantic Love Poems

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