A Birthday Wish – Romantic Love Poems

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“A Birthday Wish” is a beautiful and touching poem that encapsulates the essence of love and the passage of time. The poem takes us on a journey through memories and experiences, showcasing how love grows and matures over time. It speaks of the author’s unwavering love and admiration for their loved one and how they envision a future where they can fulfill their promises and be together, even if separated by the vastness of the universe.

The poem is a beautiful reminder of the power of love and the importance of cherishing the moments we share with our loved ones. Share this poem with your loved one on their birthday or any other special occasion to show them how much they mean to you.

A Birthday Wish

Time cannot erase memories

Of moments deeply felt

Timid Love songs veiled in poetry,

Knocking on the door to your heart

Or those indescribable emotions

stirred in me while looking into your eyes…

One by one the years, pass

One by one the years, they pas

Leaving us with our share

Of life’s experiences.

Slowly, but surely, though,

Wisdom grows from the ever-fading doubts.

Some day when we are on the great Cosmic Journey,

And the Earth is a million miles behind

I’ll see you holding in your hands,

The magic of a shooting star

I’ll smile at you as you cry tears of laughter,

And wonder at the fulfillment of promises,

To an answered wish,

I made it light years ago.

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